This week, we welcome back our regular Guest Blogger, Nicky Kentisbeer, from notjustthe3ofus
Who is reading your Blog post?
One of the most important things I have been advised continually to do as a Blogger is to think about who I am speaking to through my Blog.
Who do I want to read my posts?
It can be very easy when we first start out blogging to take the scattergun approach – rattling off lots of information and words without considering who is actually reading it. More importantly – who we want to be reading it.
Having a reader in mind can be quite difficult to do at first. Particularly if you have a personal blog.
In the early days, it is likely that you aren’t sure who you are hoping to attract. You will probably just feel quite happy and relieved that someone has read your post, rather than who.
I have found that the ability to have my reader in mind when I write helps me to remain so much more focussed when I start to write.
Rather than writing a post to nobody in particular (which is actually quite hard), you are writing with a particular someone in mind.
If you have already started blogging for your business and you aren’t currently doing this, I urge you to give it a go.
Since adopting this technique I have found that my posts, reach and audience have grown commensurately.
Because when it comes down to readership, we are not looking to reach the masses, we are looking to reach a handful of people that are going to be interested in our content.
In trying to reach the masses, we are totally overlooking the one reader or client that is likely to be interested in what we have to say.
The reader that will engage. The reader that is looking for our services.
So how do we do this?
We need to think about who we are trying to help.
We may be an Accountancy business for example, looking to attract start-up businesses.
What might their problem be. How can we solve it for them?
Having that sole-trader or small business in mind when we write allows us to address the needs of that person or business.
The person and type of business that we are trying to engage with.
This will allow us to become more focussed with our message and our solution.
In addressing what their needs may be and suggesting how we may help, we are already starting to answer their problems.
This in turn starts the relationship building process.
If we try to solve the accountancy needs for every business from a sole trader to a multi-national corporate in our blog, the chances are we aren’t going to hit the mark for any of our readers.
We would just be wasting our time.
Have a think about your area of expertise, who your ideal customer is and where you may find them.
Then write just for them and only them. Even if that means having an imaginary client in your mind.
You will be surprised how much easier it is to get some words flowing.
Let me know how you get on.