Virtual Angels Blog

Hints and Tips: Public Speaking

Fear of public speaking is one of the highest ranking phobias. Standing up in front of a group of people, whether they are known to you or not, can be incredibly daunting. However, as a business owner, public speaking can be a powerful way of getting across your...

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Five tips to take control of your diary!

Are you rushing from meeting to meeting with barely a moment to catch breath? Here's our five top tips to help you take control of your time. 1)  Schedule 30 to 45 minute in your diary at the beginning or end of day to review your task list (whether it's on paper,...

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Building client relationships

Work is a huge part of our lives, as well as being the most important factor in our financial well-being, it is the place where we socialise and build relationships.  Usually, we spend more time with our co-workers than we do with our families, so while you may think...

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Tips for diary management

Diary management  There are so many hints and tips for running an effective diary and each PA/EA will have their own preferences, here are some that immediately spring to mind. In an ideal world, executives should be banned from editing their own diary! Possibly a...

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Tidy desk, tidy mind?

The old adage says ‘tidy house, tidy mind’, but there is conflicting information out there as to whether this extends to ‘tidy desk, tidy mind’. Some people say creativity is boosted by a messy desk, other people prefer a more minimalist approach. In many modern...

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